Homemade porn community


About me/us: We like to get high and do all kinds of sexual activities all night ….
To begin we usually starts with Sexy dress up/Photo shoot/Strip poker/Masturbation /Massages/Full nude body rub/Striptease/Toys …..
We have 2 female friends each sometimes will join us
F/Partner: I wear what he wants me to n do what he wants. , Cock Sucking/BDSM/Tied Up/Gals on Gals/2Gals 3Some/PussyLicking n getting fucked all sorts of way all night.
M/Partner: I always pick the outfit for the girl/s , n do whatever I feel like

Interested in: Fuck as couple or up to 4 of our gfs some nights a full house 5 Girls n 1 (very lucky ) Guy.
We (girls) luv being sex slave, n multiple orgasm/cum n getting our pussy or mouth filled with his cum.
KL (Guy) luvs fuck/cum in 5 pussies at same time

Location: Perth , Australia


Age: 39F

Registered: 2023-03-15

Last seen: 1 year ago.

Classifieds: 0

Photos: 77

Videos: 0

Views: 35543

Votes: 105

Comments: 15

Favorites: 20

Galleries (5)

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