Homemade porn community

Chad Waterson

About me/us: Happily married for 28 years. We keep mostly to ourselves. We enjoy being home bodies with our four legged kids. Occasionally go out to catch a movie,but usually rent and watch in our home theater.

Interested in: We like sharing nudes and enjoy reading the comments. In turn we like looking at others,commenting and conversation. My wife also enjoys other men,discreetly in our home or hotel. She has made many men quit happy,including me. And occasionally other women.

Location: Tn


Age: 45F

Registered: 2018-05-19

Last seen: 7 months ago.

Classifieds: 0

Photos: 48

Videos: 3

Views: 54817

Votes: 172

Comments: 40

Favorites: 37

Galleries (8)

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